Migration Notice: LegacyVPN is undergoing a migration to Cisco's ASA VPN. Please refer to https://isea.utoronto.ca/services/vpn/utorvpn/ for documentation on the new service.

Installing LegacyVPN

Having trouble installing LegacyVPN? Call the Help Desk @ 978-HELP.

  1. Go to https://vpn.utoronto.ca/, and log in with your UTORid and password.
  2. Follow the instructions there to create and download your LegacyVPN configuration file. You can also download the latest copy of the OpenVPN software from the secure site.
  3. To install LegacyVPN, you must be logged in as a user with administrator privileges.
  4. Once you have created and downloaded your installation package, double click the file (openvpn.exe) in Windows Explorer to run it.
  5. After accepting the license agreement, click next until the installation process starts. At some point during the installation, you will be prompted to install a "TAP" Network Adapter. Click "Install" to continue.

  6. Once the installation has finished, click "Next" and "Finish" to exit the installer. You should see a new icon on your desktop named "OpenVPN GUI".

  7. Now you will need to put your configuration file in place. Open up the file browser and locate the directory:

    Local Disk (C:) -> Program Files -> OpenVPN -> config

    Place the configuration file that you downloaded from our secure website (utorvpn.ovpn) in this folder.

  8. That's it! Now that you have installed LegacyVPN on your computer, continue reading here to learn how to start up and use LegacyVPN.

Having trouble installing LegacyVPN? Call the Help Desk @ 978-HELP.

last updated 2014/11/11 17:14:33: v. 1.2