Migration Notice: LegacyVPN is undergoing a migration to Cisco's ASA VPN. Please refer to https://isea.utoronto.ca/services/vpn/utorvpn/ for documentation on the new service.

Installing LegacyVPN

Before starting this installation, please note that you will need Admin or root privileges to install and run this application.

  1. Go to https://vpn.utoronto.ca/, and log in with your UTORid and password.
  2. Follow the instructions there to create your LegacyVPN certificates and configuration. Once created, download both the installation zip file and your configuration file to your Desktop.
  3. If MacOS didn't unzip the file automatically, double click it to do so. Open the resulting folder, and you will see this:
  4. Drag and drop the Tunnelblick application into the shortcut link to your Applications directory.
  5. Next, you will need to install your configuration file. Drag the file utorvpn.ovpn into the Library/openvpn folder in your home directory. If this directory does not exist, you can create it through the Finder. Open your Library directory and then choose "File -> New Folder" from the Menu Bar. Name the directory "openvpn" and put your configuration file in there.
  6. That's it! Now that you have installed LegacyVPN on your computer, continue reading here to learn how to start up and use LegacyVPN.
last updated 2007/11/08 21:19:43: v. 1.1