Migration Notice: LegacyVPN is undergoing a migration to Cisco's ASA VPN. Please refer to https://isea.utoronto.ca/services/vpn/utorvpn/ for documentation on the new service.

Running LegacyVPN

  1. Once you have installed your certificates, you are ready to start up the OpenVPN service. The installation script has placed a file in your /etc/init.d directory called utorvpn. You will need to have root privileges to run this.
  2. To start the LegacyVPN service use:
        # /etc/init.d/utorvpn start

    Note: This startup script assumes that you have installed the OpenVPN binary and your certificates in the default locations. If you chose different locations, you will have to change the $OPENVPN and $CONFIG_DIR variables in the startup script.

  3. To stop the LegacyVPN service use:
        # /etc/init.d/utorvpn stop

Note: If you are finding that your internet connection dies once connected to LegacyVPN, it is possible that this has something to do with your DNS servers. Some ISPs only allow queries from IP addresses on their network and once you are connected to the VPN, you appear to them to be on a different network. On most Unix systems, this can be remedied by putting the UofT DNS servers manually in to /etc/resolv.conf. On systems that use NetworkManager (for example, Ubuntu), this file is overwritten by NetworkManager each reboot, so you have to edit /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf instead. Just uncomment the line that looks like:

prepend domain-name-servers

and replace with two of UofT's DNS servers (separated by a comma):

last updated 2006/10/27 19:21:58: v. 1.1